Healing America's Narratives
Healing America's Narratives Audio
Banks, Jobs, & Schools

Banks, Jobs, & Schools

A Dimon in the Rough

In a June 27, 2024 “Exclusive” entitled “Jamie Dimon says America's school-to-job pipeline is broken,” Axios reported that “America's schools, businesses and cities are failing to help younger workers and underrepresented communities prepare for and land well-paid jobs,” according to JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon.

Recommendation: Tune into the conversation between Zak Stein and Nate Hagens, “Values, Education, AI, and the Metacrisis,” The Great Simplification Podcast, Nate Hagens, May 8, 2024, https://www.thegreatsimplification.com/episode/122-zak-stein

Something to Consider: What is the role of education? Include, but think beyond, formal schooling. Spend some time with this. There will be no test.

Healing America's Narratives
Healing America's Narratives Audio
Explore the current state of America through an integration of history, psychology, gender, culture, politics, and spirituality. Become more fully human. This is the audio version of our weekly newsletter.