Healing America's Narratives
Healing America's Narratives Audio
Drama or Presence?

Drama or Presence?

Where are Donald, Kamala, and each of us when the going gets tough?

In watching, listening to, and reading what the Republican and Democratic parties are offering leading up to, during, and after their conventions, I experienced palpable examples of drama, presence, and Shadow—all of which, of course, are filtered through my particular worldview, which might be very different from yours. So:

What did you experience?

How will you choose in November?

Healing America's Narratives takes a multidisciplinary look at the gravitas and goofiness of current-day America. Your becoming a free or paid subscriber would be great!

Photo by Islander Images on Unsplash

Recommendation: While any one speech or paragraph does not a person, candidate, or platform make, listen to Donald Trump’s and Kamala Harris’s entire respective acceptance speeches (skip the excerpts), and/or listen to what was said by others in support of them at the conventions. Then consider this:

Something to Consider: Track the prevalence of victim, persecutor, rescuer, creator, challenger, and coach language in the speeches. While both conventions may have been “dramatic”—in the usual meaning of the word—for their attendees, which convention and which candidate was characterized more by drama or presence, as those words are used in this writing?

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Healing America's Narratives Audio
Explore the current state of America through an integration of history, psychology, gender, culture, politics, and spirituality. Become more fully human. This is the audio version of our weekly newsletter.