Healing America's Narratives
Healing America's Narratives Audio
Precepts Ignored and Lessons Not Learned - Part 2

Precepts Ignored and Lessons Not Learned - Part 2

Post-9/11 wars on terror

This is the second of three audio posts on the post-9/11 wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, continuing the argument that the same unhealthy masculine, us vs. them worldview and Shadow traits that inform the subjugations of women, Indigenous Peoples, and Africans/African-Americans in U. S. history were also catalysts for these two wars, and as previously noted, Vietnam.

Office of the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction

Recommendations: Read or listen to President Eisenhower’s April 15, 1953 speech (link in notes), Robert McNamara’s In Retrospect, and/or the August 2021 SIGAR report (link in notes).

Something to Consider: Beyond and including what’s written here, what’s your sense of why these precepts are ignored and these lessons are not learned?

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Healing America's Narratives
Healing America's Narratives Audio
Explore the current state of America through an integration of history, psychology, gender, culture, politics, and spirituality. Become more fully human. This is the audio version of our weekly newsletter.